First Reconciliation
Traditionally students prepare for their First Reconciliation the same year as their First Communion. The Archdiocese of Chicago requires Catholics to attend religious education for two consecutive years to prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Parents play an important role in preparing their children for the sacrament of reconciliation and are required to attend a First Reconciliation Parent Meeting. For more information, contact the Office of Religious Education at [email protected].
Penance or Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation is a sacrament of forgiveness, mercy, healing, and renewal. Through this sacrament, entrusted to the Church, God offers us the assured forgiveness of our sins and the strength to become more faithful followers of Jesus Christ. We approach the sacrament with a sincere sorrow for our sins and a desire to change. We leave the sacrament with the joy of repentance, gratitude for God’s gift of forgiveness, and a resolution to move forward as more faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.
All Souls Catholic Parish Weekly Reconciliation Schedule
Saturdays at 3:00 p.m.
We will also hold Reconciliation Services during Lent and Advent.
For an individual appointment with Fr. Mark, contact our Parish Office at 708-895-6700 or [email protected].