While school may be out, Church is always in session!  Thanks be to God, He never takes a break from us, nor should we take a break from Him.  And, thanks be to God, He always presents us with creative ways in which we can grow in our faith, deepen our understanding of how He’s working in our lives, and strengthen our spiritual muscles.

Over the course of the past couple of months, amid our own spiritual renewal in the Archdiocese, we’ve mentioned the Eucharistic Revival underway across the United States, and the upcoming Eucharistic Pilgrimage that will travel through our area in late June.

Here are some suggestions for something spiritually powerful to do with your loved ones:

There are so many ways to be a part of the Pilgrimage across those 4-1/2 days!
To learn more, visit EucharisticRevivalChicago.org