We are forming a new Youth Group at All Souls! Youth currently enrolled in Confirmation I and II or older are invited to our kick-off pizza party on Monday, Nov. 18, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. in the Youth Group Room. We will have dinner and begin getting to know each other, as well as brainstorm ideas for some fun social, service, and spiritual activities we can do together. Current Monday RE/FF students will be able to go to the YG Room directly from class—others should enter through Chicago Avenue door C7. We will provide pizza and beverages, and youth are welcome to bring their friends!
Youth Group leaders Abby and Josh will visit the Confirmation I and II classes on November 10 & 11 and bring the students to check out the newly renovated Youth Group room!
Email [email protected] or call 708.895.6700 with any questions.
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”
– Saint Catherine of Siena